Gia Greener Gardening Project

Community: The Ouse Valley, Lewes, Newhaven, Peacehaven, Seaford


Aim: Engaging at a local community level to help mitigate the effects of climate change by promoting good gardening practices

Critical Project Objectives:

•Reduce the community’s carbon footprint

•Promote horticultural practices that retains more carbon in plants and soil

•Encourage biodiversity

•Improve community horticultural knowledge and skills with a sustainable focus

•Enhance community wellbeing by improving access and the management of plants, gardens, green spaces, and the wider countryside

•Promote water-wise solutions and practice to conserve water

•Provide professional training and experience to Jobseekers, school leavers, career changers, existing gardeners, and conservationists.

•Harness and promote the potential of solar in gardening.

•Encourage gardening, and promote it benefits to the community

•Create GIA (GREEN GARDENING) AMBASSADORS in the community          

Other Project Objectives:

•Create connections and green corridors between businesses and housing with green spaces and the wider countryside

•Reduce and remove the need for chemical interventions for plant health and crop production.

•Promote a peat free gardening culture

•Promote growing your own food

•Harness the community’s potential to effectively compost

•Promote a reduce – reuse – recycle – reinvest gardening culture

•Improve awareness of plant biosecurity, pest, and diseases issues

Current Status: We have been running this project since January 2022, we are doing what we can, but we are in need of funders for all or parts of the project.